Thursday, March 1, 2018

And thus it begins...

 Hello, my name is Brian, and I have decided to create a magazine that reflects my own interests. Because I am very scientifically oriented, my magazine will be based off of engineering and scientific Innovations and inventions. In the future, I will need to figure out how to reflect this theme using different font types and images, but for now, I will begin to research and include different magazines which I find visually appealing to later attempt to create my own design based off of theirs.
National Geographic is one of the most appealing ones for me; it’s simple and is very attractive to the eye. Because of this, I chose it as one of my favorite magazines.
The New Big Brother Archives subscribe. (2018, January 15). Retrieved March 01, 2018, from
Popular science is another magazine which I also find visually appealing. In the near future, I will delve deeper into all the components of each of these magazines, but for now, I'm simply looking for inspiration I could use in the future to create my own magazine cover.

Space Balloons, Science Fiction, And More From August 2015. (2015, August). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from

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