Monday, April 9, 2018

Advertisement thoughts

In the process of brainstorming for possible items to advertise in my magazine, I came up with a couple of options. The main one would predictably be Aviator glasses. This is a very viable option as they are easily accessible and are actually used by most pilots. Making this advertisement is pretty self-explanatory and I’m not going to go through it step by step.

Another item that could be advertised in my magazine is flying apparel. Because pilots are generally sitting down for hours on end, it would be sensible for them to wear comfortable clothing. To satisfy this need, I could advertise clothing which is designed specifically for this purpose and therefore advertises directly towards the target audience. This could be anything such as shoes, socks, pants, and shirts. This gives me a lot of leeway for different pictures and allows me to test different variables to see which looks better after being inserted in the magazine.

UPDATE: Because of the long nature of my article, I was not able to include any advertisements in my magazine.

I could really use a honey bun rn

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